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Tomino’s Hell: The Cursed Poem Not Meant to Be Read Out Loud

Tomino's Hell poem cover

Heard about Tomino’s Hell? It’s a cursed Japanese urban poem from Japan with one rule: you’re better off reading Tomino’s Hell poem in your head, not out loud. Trust me, it’s for the best. Before I get into my interpretation, along with my thoughts on the story, take a look if you dare! But remember, don’t read it out loud!

The Haunting Poem: Tomino’s Hell

The elder sister vomits blood, younger sister’s breathing fire. While sweet little Tomino just spits up the jewels. All alone does Tomino go falling into that dark hell, a hell of utter darkness, without even flowers. Is Tomino’s big sister the one who whips him? The purpose of the scourging hangs dark in his mind. Lashing and thrashing him, ah! But never quite shattering. One sure path to Avici, the eternal hell. Into that blackest of hells guide him now, I pray to the golden sheep, to the nightingale. How much did he put in that leather pouch to prepare for his trek to the eternal hell? Spring is coming to the valley, to the wood, to the spiraling chasms of the blackest hell. The nightingale in her cage, the sheep aboard the wagon, and tears well up in the eyes of sweet little Tomino. Sing, o nightingale, in the vast, misty forest he screams he only misses his little sister. His wailing desperation echoes throughout hell—a fox peony opens its golden petals. Down past the seven mountains and seven rivers of hell the solitary journey of sweet little Tomino. If in this hell they are found, may they then come to me, please, those sharp spikes of punishment from Needle Mountain. Not just on some empty whim is flesh pierced with blood-red pins: they serve as hellish signposts for sweet little Tomino.

As a kid, I was always the eccentric one out of the bunch. The creative, introverted child with an uncanny obsession for horror. To me, horror meant—and still (as an adult) is—a somewhat unpleasant excitement of emotion. Not only that, but it also triggers a fear from within and brings curiosity out of me, which is why I am always eager to experience and search for more horror experiences. That is to say, whatever would be considered ”too scary to handle” for someone else, whether that is being in the pitch-black dark, summoning an evil spirit like (bloody Mary) in the mirror, or talking to the dead people through a vintage, badly curved ouija board, I am the first to explore it.

The Origin History of Tomino’s Hell

A few weeks ago, I was lucky to stumble across a Japanese poem called “Tomino’s Hell” released in 1919 and recorded in the poetry collection Sakin. Rumor has it that if you read the poem out loud, you will either die or your soul will suffer eternally in hell. If you are wondering who was behind the creation of such a dark, witty, and creepy urban legend, his name was Saijō Yaso.

If you are not familiar, Saijō was a known Japanese poet who worked on children’s nursery rhymes and popular song lyrics. I wanted to do further research on the artist himself, but there was not much about him in English. I did come upon a possible inspiration behind the poem and the age he was when he created it. It is said that “Tomino’s Hell” was created when Saijō was 27 years old, and the inspiration came after experiencing a great loss of either his father or sister, nothing more than that. I was a bit confused about what I discovered about the poet, but, surprisingly, there is a vast amount of information about the cursed poem. Apparently, there have been multiple reported incidents regarding the poem, and one was the death of director Shūji Terayama.

The Connection to Den-en ni shisu (1974)

Japanese men smoking a cigarette
Den-en ni shisu (1974)

There was no secret that Shūji so highly admired “Tomino’s Hell” that he created a film inspired by it. The movie Den-en ni shisu (Pastoral: To Die in the Country, also known as Pastoral Hide and Seek) was released in 1974, and Terayama died a few years later at the age of 47 from cirrhosis of the liver. Strangely enough, some skeptics believe otherwise. They believed it was the poem that killed him. In another case, a female college student died a week after reading the poem out loud while participating in a daring prank. Other cases include illnesses, car wrecks, and the feeling of an evil presence lingering around.

Personal Thoughts on the Curse of Tomino’s Hell

The way I feel about the ”death rumors” regarding the Tomino’s Hell poem is that I am a bit superstitious about it, but, in some way, but I beg to differ. I am a strong believer in the law of attraction: what we constantly think about will eventually manifest into our lives. Don’t you agree?—and if you’re asking what do I mean by that, in other words, if you truly believe that something will happen to you, then it will. We are all made of energy, the positive and the negative. Another scenario: if you think positively, your energy will attract good things to you, and if you think negatively then…you get my drift. But regardless of what I believe, I initiated a further review to see what was the mystery behind the meaning of the story.

Interpreting Tomino’s Hell: A Metaphorical Analysis

As I was reading through the poem, my thoughts were that the composition style of the story was indecipherable but quite fascinating. The poem was originally written in Japanese, which (in my opinion) made the English translation difficult to understand. One thing that I did notice repeatedly throughout the entire poem is it only mentioned his two sisters. Nothing pointed towards Saijō’s father. So, there could be a possibility that the inspiration behind the poem is referring to his sister, but it is still unclear whether it is regarding the elder or younger sister.

A Japanese lady in circus make up

I wonder, could “Tomino’s Hell” be about Saijō’s secret childhood that is unknown to the public? The meaning behind the story is still a mystery. It also had occurred to me that there could be an open interpretation of whatever you think the story is about to you. While some readers interpret the poem to be a metaphor for war, and so on, I view it in another way by thinking outside of the box.

As complicated as the poem may seem, my easy way of coming up with an interpretation is that I analyzed the story metaphorically. My interpretation may not be exactly what the story is about, but it is just my way of being imaginative, which I feel what makes the poem even more intriguing. At the beginning of the story, it was obvious who was all involved, but no names were attached other than Tomino.

Elder sister vomits blood,
younger sister’s breathing fire
while sweet little Tomino
just spits up the jewels.

Figuratively speaking, what it means to “vomit blood” is to be frustrated and stressed about a particular situation. To “breathe fire,” or what I’ve imagined it to be, is a person who is holding back and keeping things unspoken. “While Tomino spits up the jewels”: I’d say he is keeping a secret about something or someone—and the short phrase (jewels) could be referring to “family jewels.”

Young Japanese boy in a field

After breaking down the beginning of the story, I believed that his elder sister was frustrated about a situation pertaining to her younger brother, Tomino. While her younger sister, on the other hand, could possibly be the ”family member” who is involved or is aware of Tomino’s secret.

Tomino is feeling all alone in the situation. He can’t speak of it to anyone because he is fearful that while having these sinful thoughts about someone in the family, his punishment would be that his soul will suffer eternally in hell where he’d never see broad light and the flowers bloom again.

Japanese woman in flower garden

Which now I suspect that Tomino is fearing these sinful thoughts about his elder sister. “Is Tomino’s big sister the one who whips him?” That is where I question, could his elder sister be abusive towards him and the younger sister?

Lashing and thrashing him, ah! But never quite shattering. One sure path to Avici, the eternal hell. Into that blackest of hells guide him now, I pray—to the golden sheep, to the nightingale.

Exploring the Depths of Tomino’s Despair

It seems that Tomino is reliving a moment where his elder sister became angry at him or possibly towards both his sister and himself. The word shattering means very shocking or upsetting—but while it mentioned “never quite shattering,” I feel that the situation with his elder sister was not a surprising one, that it had become a constant situation between the two. In Buddhism, Avici means the lowest level of the Naraka or “hell” realm. So, it tells me that Tomino could have entered into a deep dark hell of depression, praying that he heals the pain that lies beneath his mind.

Japanese boy with white power on face

Is “Tomino’s Hell” curse poem true?

The curse remains a mysterious shadow. Some people brush it off as just a superstition, while others get a thrill from the spooky unknown. So, is the curse of ‘Tomino’s Hell’ real? It teeters on the edge of reality and imagination, making us wonder about the mysteries that lie just beyond our everyday world.

What are some really scary stories/urban legends?

  • ‘Candle Cove’ tells the eerie tale of a children’s television show that leaves its viewers with profoundly unsettling memories.
  • ‘Ted the Caver’ narrates the experiences of an amateur cave explorer who encounters bizarre and terrifying phenomena within a mysterious cave.
  • ‘The Midnight Man’ describes a horrifying game in which participants summon a dark entity, with dire consequences for those who fail to adhere to the rules.
  • ‘The Three Kings’ is another chilling game that purportedly allows individuals to glimpse into other dimensions, though they risk encountering nightmarish beings.
  • These stories captivate and frighten us, illustrating our fascination with exploring the unknown and experiencing a good scare.

How to get rid of Tomino’s hell curse?

Ah, the spooky Tomino’s Hell curse! To break it, start by getting a protective charm, like a special amulet or a positive-energy crystal. Find a peaceful spot—a quiet forest or a cozy corner at home—and light candles in a circle to invite good vibes. Say a sincere spell asking kind spirits to cleanse your aura. Sprinkle salt at your doors and windows to keep bad energy away. Lastly, do kind and positive things, as goodwill can chase away even the darkest curses. Remember, your own bright spirit holds the power to break free!

Conclusion: The Mystery of Tomino’s Hell

The poem is a metaphor for his painful thoughts. Tomino travels through the different dimensions of hell in the misty forest as the sheep carry the wagon. The caged nightingale sings along the way while he nervously awaits upon his arrival. He screams out in desperation, sounds of wailing, and echoes throughout the forest for his younger sister. As he journeys past the seven mountains and rivers of hell, the weight of his despair grows heavier, dragging him further into the abyss.

When he arrives at the “golden petal,” which could be referring to the gates of hell, Tomino sees a spirit animal or what I call “spirit guide,” who guides him to see the light at the end of the tunnel (an end of a difficult situation). Yet he goes further deep through the mountains (depression) and into the dark hell, alone. Then the confusion came in towards the ending, which led me to put the whole story together to get a potential outcome.

A possible conclusion: I think the poem was written in a metaphorical sense. It’s like stepping in the mind of a person who is being paranoid and delusional. Maybe it could be referring to a young boy (Tomino) who is experiencing some kind of mental illness such as schizophrenia (when a person interprets reality abnormally and may result in some combination of hallucinations or delusions), a definition which I think complements the story very well.

It was also obvious that the love and bond he had shared with his younger sister was stronger than the bond with the eldest, which brought to my attention that maybe he didn’t have a great relationship with her at all. I did sense that there was some kind of abandonment, and without the story mentioning anything about Tomino’s parents or anyone else besides his two sisters, I feel that the elder sister was in charge of watching over Tomino and the younger sister.

Throughout the poem, it talked about punishment. His elder sister could have also been very abusive to both of them and, because of that, the anger that Tomino felt against her was unbearable. He feared that if he had sinful thoughts and feelings against his elder sister that his soul will burn eternally in hell. It was not stated if Tomino was religious, but there were a few sentences that spoke of Buddhism.

I read that Buddhists believe that suffering is part of life that is to be expected and that if a person experiences pain calmly, without becoming emotionally distressed, he can attain greater states of being. In this case, I feel that it was difficult for Tomino to do that. Maybe he was aware of being on a spiritual journey, going through lessons, and trying to find his way to surrender the pain and guilt that he felt regarding the situation with his elder sister.

Either way, the logic behind Tomino’s Hell is still unknown, and after discovering more interpretations swarming around the internet of “Tomino’s Hell poem,” I can ironically say that my thoughts are mutual.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen if I read Tomino’s hell?

Reading “Tomino’s Hell” out loud is believed to bring misfortune, illness, or even death, according to an urban legend.

What is the Tomino’s hell ritual?

The “Tomino’s Hell” ritual involves reading the poem out loud, often as part of a dare or to test the supposed curse.

How to read Tomino’s hell poem?

If you choose to read “Tomino’s Hell,” it is strongly recommended to read it silently in your head rather than out loud.

What is the origin of Tomino’s Hell?

“Tomino’s Hell” originates from Japan and was written by Saijō Yaso, a Japanese poet, in 1919. The poem is part of his poetry collection titled Sakin.

Is there a true story behind Tomino’s Hell?

The true story behind “Tomino’s Hell” is largely unknown and shrouded in mystery.

Has anyone died from reading Tomino’s Hell out loud?

One of the most well-known cases is that of Japanese director Shūji Terayama, who admired the poem and later died under mysterious circumstances.


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  1. I red it loudly at night time 1:15pm on Oct for 4 2024 nothing happened horrifying things,😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 lier

  2. It’s a lovely but deadly poem it’s beautiful poem with a dark meaning it’s beauty is like no other which makes it so unique.

  3. I read it out loud. Nothing happened that day, or for the rest of the week. But the next week, I started feeling more and more tired to the point where I fell asleep in class and didn’t wake up until the end. I had been losing sleep because of weird dreams I had been having. I was in a long, white corridor, I couldn’t see either end of the corridor. The creepy lady from the curse was Infront of me with her hand outstretched. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even close my eyes or turn my head. After a few minutes of staring at each other, My hand began to inch closer to hers, our fingers eventually touched and she screamed very loudly. I woke up immediately with the scream still ringing in my ears. I looked down at the hand she had touched and I had a big red mark where she had touched.

    • You just assumed worse about it that why you had that dream, everything starting mentally …….. l didn’t think worst of it and nothing ever happened to me. So don’t assumed worst on stuff mentally because they always appeared physically in the end .

  4. Bro nothing happened to me I read it in my karoke mic 7 days/1week ago. All of this is just a myth. And even if this is real then neither did I die nor something bad happened to me or in my surroundings. If it has happened to someone i.e someone died after reading this poem out loud the happy death day to you.

  5. Bro guys I read it and now I’m experiencing some weird shit idk if it’s a coincidence or something but my head feels too heavy for my neck and it hurts really bad, I’m dizzy and my vision is slightly distorted, and when I went to pull my laundry into the laundry room it suddenly got really heavy- whats freaking me out is that none of this was happening until shortly after I read the poem

  6. I disagree with your take on the poem. You are neglecting family jewels can be gender and he is the preferred gender of his country. Perhaps his father preferred him and a sister died somehow due to this preference.
    To breathe fire is often to be angry, or to have tuberculosis or the like.

    • @bloom if you read the article carefully I did state that it’s an opinion. Which I have every right to have one and go with it. Just like you have your own opinion on what it might mean to you, I can too. It wasn’t meant for anyone to agree or disagree with it.You do believe that we are all entitled to have an opinion, right? Tbh, I’m not sure what it actually means. Especially since it’s written in Japanese and translated poorly in English. I could be wrong but that is my interpretation of what it may mean TO ME and I’m keeping that. Sorry

    • I also want to highlight what I wrote in the article if you missed it, “ My interpretation may not be exactly what the story is about, but it is just my way of being imaginative, which I feel what makes the poem even more intriguing.”

  7. I am going to read this poem loudly and if i don’t reply then that means I am dead I read it at 16/08/2023
    I just read it

  8. Hey that’s really true as I am a girl I read it loud and terrible thing is happening in my House 😭😭😭 do you know how to get out from this curse

  9. I wouldn’t take things like this so never know what it meant by you’re soul damned in didn’t recall dying altogether. 🙂

  10. I have also read this poem in loudly
    But i don’t have any type of issue this is fake
    💯 Percent fake
    Read loudly guys this is a fake thing
    If you don’t believe in me so you can also follow
    My insta id – shivamd__official

  11. I jus read it out louddd if I don’t reply idkk what to sayyy but I’m dead ass srs if I’m alive I will reply I’m always active on my socials.

  12. i read it in my head first, and my head started to hurt. Then I read it out loud (muttered it) and my head-ache became worse. I’ll write after a week if I am still alive.

  13. Ok now I have read it loud lol 😂
    So If I don’t comment in 7 days let’s say till 25 jun consider me dead 👍
    If I forget to comment my i.g pure._shadow

  14. I have read this poem loudly just now. See what happen.
    I will reply on Wednesday if I alive. My insta id Mr. Shrey or facebook id Rajeev shrey.

  15. Well The logic is unknown yet but for me it’s that “THE REAL DEATH IS FRIGHTENING” & I don’t think Tomino can even Hurt anyone so how can he..
    I read it out loud not bcs of challenge bcs I believe that Tomino is innocent not a devil.

  16. I just read it loud let’s see if i die @_mr_yash__raj_ is my Instagram handle if anyone wanna know if i am alive or dead after a week or so DM me if i reply i am alive

    • I have read this poem loudly just now. See what happen.
      I will reply on Wednesday if I alive. My insta id Mr. Shrey or facebook id Rajeev shrey.

  17. Guys I READ IT OUT LOUD .. idk what’s gonna happen tho .. but I don’t believe in this stuff .. sooo I abated to prove it .. am still scared 😭😭😭

  18. I don’t understand why people think they are gonna die or am after reading this 💀💀it’s just some dumb edgy story and for some reason has a painting which has nothing to do with the poem attached to it most of the time, if you guys think little Timmy from next door is gonna murder you after reading some spooky poem then you have issues

  19. Dude its fake….iv read it loudly 6 months ago…but im happy n I dont have any depression or smth like that…its truly fake

  20. So many people saying they read it out loud and yet ive been rereading this site just for fun every couple months and none of them have replied, not much of a superstitious person but id rather not fuck around and find out

  21. Read it fully out loud hopefully I don’t die check on my TikTok or Instagram @rr3liable if I’m dead or not

  22. I read it and I honestly think it’s a well written poem, it’s like any other dark poem in a way. I love horror stuff as well so this spiked my interest but I may look into this poem to get a understanding of it and to see if it’s a legend or not. I will also keep this tab so I can respond to stuff and not scared people like others were.

  23. I smiled at the poem its its amazing like lots of blood and flesh oh my god i love blood and flesh lashing and thrashing oh my god its such a fantasy

  24. This actually might be real cause just today I heard one of my classmates talk about this and I joined the conversation and told her that I had tried it but nothing happened but then she told me she had a nightmare and she saw a girl holding her hair up and vomiting. I realized that even I had the similar nightmare about a girl but in mine she was just screaming and it looked like she was being burnt alive. All I could see was different shades of red and orange and some black in my nightmare and so did she. We were both really scared and it turns out we both had tried this 4 years back and until now we were just strangers and now we feel connected by a nightmare.
    I know this sounds fake and it might be a coincidence but we still think it is dangerous to try this.

    • Well no one is thinking it’s fake or it might we only u know the reality but I could just say if u think abt the same thing again so it comes in our dream. U know what if anyone gets a real nightmare I don’t think that prsn is even will be there to tell anyone.

    • In the poem it says that Tomino’s elder sister vomits blood. And a girl being burnt in fire? Tomino’s younger sister breathes FIRE

  25. I read it out loud…now I’m just gonna see what happens lol if you don’t hear from me either tomorrow or the next day, then you’ll know it’s real. 😀

  26. I read it out loud, I hope it’s real and something happens to prove it to me. But this is just one translation, I’ve found a few others, I’m gonna read the others to make sure.

  27. I read it 8 or 7 times but nothing is happening I read it in the dark room alon but nothing is happening so I think it’s fake 🤥 really 🧐

    • Yea but it takes a few days or months and it is said if u read it aloud u will enternally burn in hell or die

  28. This was Scary. Be it was very Interested. I like Horror Movies but I never read a Horror story….But I Love this One, Very Nice!!!!

  29. Hi, Guys. I read it loud 4 to 5 times at night in a dark room alone because it was my dare and guys believe me nothing strange happened to me. This story is fake. In the comment section, some people are telling to read it in Japanese so, I will also try to read it aloud in Japanese and tell you whether it is fake or not. But in English, nothing happened so you can read it in English.

  30. Maybe I will read it out loud when I’m old and about to die so it doesn’t matter anymore XD See you in 60 years or so.

  31. I read it aloud 3-4 times but nothing strange happened. It’s just an urban legend and nothing else. You’ll are taking it very seriously 🤣😂

  32. Oh, wait! You meant demon, ghost and spirits? Haha. I was like, what is a daemon? Cool comment! Glad that you read through it. Made you read the poem, right? How did it go for ya? 😌

  33. I was doing some research for horror or cursed poems for a project with some friends on a zoom call, and i stumbled upon this article. As I read through it, I felt as if something was twisting my stomach, then one of friend pointed out that the wall next to the washroom had a hand scratching. I scrolled to comment section in a frenzy and it dissappeared. For a few days i had nightmare about this poem I could see a little boy in the flower fields and at random intevals the boy woud be standing in flames with hollow eyes and dagger – like teeth.

    • That would actually make sense. I read this bc I did a quiz on what Japanese urban legend I would be. I got Tomino’s Hell so I wondered what it was. The pictures on this website have a little child in a field of flowers right?

  34. I did it but I survive for 2 days, Then after that, I got lucky after that day, Also I was a child too, So I survive😌

  35. I read this months ago and I’m alive ya’ll tryna make us scared for some nigga who killed herself and wrote a poem ya’ll are dead ass.

  36. I went ahead and said, but not as a dare, I said to respect it and the maker of it, a poem left unsaid feels like a taboo to me, soi figured that people that says it without respect are quite literally mocking and making fun of it(which probably pisses off the spirit) I will leave a reply if something happens however, I do hope that if there really is a spirit that it doesn’t take offence in my meaning of why I say it. If I don’t reply then I probably did die, I’m not scared if die tho, my life is pretty much hell anyways.

  37. i read this peom yesterday, but i dont belive that this poem is cursed. But i love horror stories and when i knew about this poem so i read it, but i dont think that this poem is really horror lol.

  38. Okay this won’t affect because you guys are reading in english. Try reading it in Japanese and see what happens xDDDD

  39. I felt Itches all over my body while reading it(Not out loud) It felt like i was getting heavy and like i was getting puffed up more

  40. let me if any thing further happens to u tell me, k?
    we will keep in touch with each other. I am a big believer, Bloody Mary used to kill me in my dreams when i was 7 over and over again. have you got anything like that happen to you Spooked By Looks.

  41. I read just the first part of the poem and I just got a bloody nose and after it stopped I coughed up blood

  42. I think this is about Saijō Yaso’s dads childhood and the spirit in this could be his dad. did we even get his dads name?

  43. i think the spirit could be his dad and that Tomino is his dad. so the poem is about his dads childhood. did we even get the dads name?

    • காண்பது பொய் இங்கு எதுவும் நிரந்திரம் இல்லை ஆக மரணம் என்பது உண்மை என்றால் இவையால் வருவது எனக்கு மகிழ்ச்சி….. ஆனால் என்னுடைய வாழக்கை இவையால் முடியாது என்பது எனக்கு தெரியும் ஆக இது பொய்யாக இருக்கலாம்
      நான் தீபன்…. I am ghost…

  44. Honestly I don’t get scared by things like this, but I’m not an idiot so I didn’t read it out loud. I’ll prolly get scared tonight tbh lol

  45. IDK what is so scary about this poem. it felt all normal while reading it. i read it like twice, one in mind and once out aloud it is probably a legend. but id say the poem is beautiful

  46. I read it loud but nthg happened to me it is just an imaginary thing that suffers by tomino he saw that and he came from hell it is all one dream, nthg bad happens to others if you stop thinking. If you think about anything deeply it affects your brain more which shows you some negative energy.

  47. Guys.. it might be true.. there is something touching me on my shoulder while I read it in my mind and I see nothing.. it said if u read louder u might not die but u been lucky enough.. then if u do it again or already done it u might get bad luck and things while happen to u.

  48. Hahaha, i just read it out loud, i hope im still safe but can you guys reccomend me some cursed things like this..

  49. i heard about this last night on a Shane Dawson video,

    i’m too chicken to read it out loud, can someone that has read it tell me what happens after? i’d be very Proud, and I will Bow.

    • Hey, i read this aload and i’m still alive and good. It can’t kill the human, humans are too strong to be killed by this. Sorry for my bad English, i’m only studying this language.

  50. I Haven’t Read It Yet But I Have Seen The Comments And They Aren’t Very Scared Like I Thought They Would Be But Im About To Read It Right Now So…:)

  51. personally i think if you actually believe in dark magic curses sprits and etc. this would work. by my personal experience i believe in this stuff because what if there is a sprit or an actual curse tied to it and maybe the deaths were because they angered the sprit or someone planned it and maybe it is the aura that causes it to become real, you will never truly know. but i was always told never mess with the devil but that my experience i don’t know about others.

  52. I think so it’s not true because it’s just a poem and I won’t believe it that when we read it loud we’ll die bla bla bla just they wanna make attraction on this and I’ve read it louder last week and I’m now here and what you are saying is truly right that always think positive because what you are thinking is going to happen so always think positive 😊

  53. I think reading the poem loud won’t kill but if you truly understand the poem and feel how Tomino feels you might just have depressing thoughts
    Which could be death or worse

  54. Nice poem i have read this a loud 2 times but iam fine i don’t believe in such a way that she is dead she is suffering from this form many years so sad but i dont now why people say when we read thise we will dae dont belive in thise things be positive tq😎

    • Wsh c la même chose mais après j ai eu mal à la gorge putain faut vraiment qu on ne le lis pas à voix haute . De tt façon. Les légendes ecttt je l est crois pourquoi¿ car tous est possible le monde est grand la galaxie aussi l océan et l univers donc tous est possible

      • Okay, so I read the above interpretation of “Tomino’s hell” out loud about 20 minutes ago, and I am still alive. Besides the fact that I believe you probably must read the poem in Japanese in order for the curse to be effective, because, as I said, we are only reading the interpretation of the poem. But, even if I was fluent in Japanese, and read this poem in the original Japanese in which it was written, I do not believe in curses or incantations. I feel completely confident in the fact that my fundamental Christian beliefs and spirituality would protect me from any alleged curse. Additionally, after writing this, another 20 minutes or so have passed by, and I still am not experiencing any headaches, and I am also very much alive (verified by two distinct individuals who happened to be sitting here with me as I type this comment, 1 of whom I read the above interpretation to). I am hopeful that I may be coming back to to read any possible comments about this poem, but in all likelihood that will probably not occur.

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Written by Martina Boothes

An expert with 25 years of experience in the film industry, hails from Memphis, Tennessee. Her journey in filmmaking began when she directed her first horror home video, showcasing her early passion and talent.

She has enriched her skills with a year of acting classes in notable Memphis theaters and has appeared in several films as an extra. Today, Martina is a multi-talented director, producer, writer, and actress, known for her films "The Circle of a Coven", "Mr. Fish", "Red Velvet Cake" and "Dare!". Her contributions have earned her a place in Film Fatales, a testament to her expertise and impact in the industry.

The coven looks suspisously at the bottle of wine presented by the road in their first trial.

The Coven Faces Their First Trial in ‘Agatha All Along’ Episode 3 – How Will They Fare?

Stylized artwork of ghostly characters emerging from a haunted mansion in Hyde’s Haunt & Seek.

Composer Chris Thomas on Crafting Halloween Music for Purgatio and Hyde’s Haunt & Seek