I recently had the pleasure of speaking with actress and producer Charlie Blackwood, who audiences can see in the British horror thriller Matriarch, which will be available on DVD, digital and on demand through Lionsgate starting April 9. We touch upon her admiration for horror movies and why she enjoys being a part of them. I hope you enjoy this interview with the very busy and talented Charlie Blackwood.
Jason Sheppard: Hello, Charlie. Congratulations on Matriarch. Is it true filming was done in just a two week period?
Charlie Blackwood: Yes, we filmed in just over two weeks! We shot Matriarch at the end of October 2016 in Scotland, It was a very quick shoot! We were a small cast and crew, working hard to get it shot quickly and I’m very proud of what we have accomplished in that time. We shot the film in chronological order, which is unusual.
JS: Does Matriarch focus more on psychological scares than the typical slasher? If so, were those elements that attracted you to the project?
CB: I think it has elements of both and yes, I was drawn to that. I was attracted to the story of Rachel Hopkins (the lead character in the film) and how determined she was to get out of the horrific situation she finds herself in. The script has similar elements to Misery starring Kathy Bates. I loved that film growing up; it’s always stuck with me. So to receive a script that gave me the same shivers I had watching Misery, was incredible. I think I cried every time I read the script, which I took as a good sign that I should definitely make this film.
JS: Do you feel that horror movies such Matriarch are gaining a new level of respectability with audiences and critics?
CB: I think if a horror film is well-written, with good acting and is generally a good film, then I don’t see why it shouldn’t be respected by audiences and critics alike. There are many intelligent horror films being made that are not just ‘slasher movies’ and I think these are gaining recognition, such as Get Out and A Quiet Place. Horror tends to have the capacity to be the most profitable genre when you measure the money made against the money used to make the film; that in itself is quite a respectable feat.

JS: Do you believe there’s a reason why audiences love horror/thrillers movies so much?
CB: The thrill of being scared I suppose and the sensation of suspense, terror, mystery and shock. I guess watching horror is like taking yourself on an emotional roller coaster, and who doesn’t like roller coasters…
JS: As an actress, how much fun is it to star in a horror/thriller? Would you like to star in more?
CB: It was so much fun! It was a tough shoot and being covered in fake blood and mud for two weeks does get a bit sticky, but I loved every moment of being on set and can’t wait to do it again.
JS: Readers of this site are major horror fans. What would you like viewers to take away with them after they’ve seen Matriarch?
CB: I guess I’d like them to feel they really could identify with the protagonists in the film and get emotionally involved with their journeys. Rooting for the characters when they make the right decision and cringing when they don’t. I hope audiences feel they have been affected by the film because it resonated with them and hopefully they will think about the film long after they have watched it.
JS: What can we look forward to seeing you in next?
CB: I’ve been filming a sci-fi thriller called Clay’s Redemption. I play the character Athena who is the boss of Clay. It’s about Learza, an unstoppable demon in human form who kills people with a peculiar birth mark on their hands. One of them is Maya, a deaf/mute girl that Athena has assigned Clay to protect. It’s set for release later this year.
Make sure to follow Charlie here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharliBlackwood
Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CharlieBlackwoodOfficial/
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