There is no denying the COVID pandemic hit everyone hard, and one industry that severely suffered was the haunt industry. Haunt actors, creators, and designers spend years, sometimes even decades, honing their craft to bring you a month’s worth of scares, before packing it all up and waiting until next year. Haunts being closed down for a year was detrimental to the industry, but thankfully it seems like things are getting back into full swing. So how can you decide what haunt to go to and find out where is it? Well, look no further than Haunt Society!

Co-Founded by Bobby Roe (The Houses October Built 1 & 2, Isolation) and Zack Andrews (The Houses October Built 1 & 2, Isolation), Haunt Society is an incredible site that puts the haunts directly into your hands!
We’ve learned each haunt is a family. That drew us in more than anything. And with the amazing commercials, creative builds, and movie level acting of these establishments, we felt that a website was needed that would highlight all of this incredible hard work and talent. A definitive hub that would let haunt-goers explore all that this world has to offer…a pedestal of macabre masterpieces. (Haunt Society)
The site is incredibly user friendly and easy to use. Just click which state you are looking for, or allow your computer to use your location:

Then, if you selected to search by location, you can view endless haunts that are based near you:

Haunt Society is a great tool for haunt enthusiasts and is something that you should immediately hop on if you’re looking for haunts. The thing that is easiest to appreciate about this site is who it’s run by. There is no doubt Bobby and Zack are haunt enthusiasts, and they deeply care about this industry. Hopefully you will be able to get good use out of this wonderful tool and get to experience some great haunts.

For the most up to date information on the goings on of Haunt Society, you can follow them in Instagram and Twitter. They recently had a giveaway for a a 12′ skeleton on their Instagram page, so you should definitely keep an eye on their socials for any more fun things that may come our way!
With vaccines on the rise and life starting to finally open back up, it’s important to support out local Haunts, so that they can continue to grow and frighten us for years to come. We hope you have a fun, safe, and spooky Halloween season this year! And don’t forget…seek out Hellbent.