Founded in 2020, Horror Obsessive advocates for freedom of expression and free access to pluralistic, quality-based and diverse information online. It stands as a community-driven platform passionately dedicated to the expansive universe of the horror genre. At the heart of our domain, writers from across the globe contribute to delivering in-depth analysis and comprehensive reviews that span across horror films, literature, and the latest trends within the genre.
We place immense value on the opinions of our readers, always welcoming constructive feedback to foster a more engaging and informative experience. Our commitment to exploring new and intriguing media is relentless, and we actively encourage filmmakers, record labels, game companies, and PR representatives to reach out with their latest projects. Join us in our obsession as we continue to delve into the darkness, celebrating all that horror has to offer.
Horror Obsessive is an independent project fueled by pure passion, determination, and big dreams. We value diversity and welcome applications from people from all sections of the community, irrespective of race, color, gender, age, ability, sexual orientation, religion, or belief, and from anywhere in the world.
Wanna join? Visit our Write For Us page and apply to become one of the Horror Obsessive family of fans, misfits, geeks, and obsessives uploading your content.
Funding Information
Writers and editors are prohibited from receiving payments from any person, company, or organization they cover for uploading or otherwise exploiting their content on or through Horror Obssesive website. We believe that such content shall remain independent, impartial, and unaffected by external influences.

Management and Editorial Team
Rebecca Saunders, Consulting Editor
- Email:
- Twitter: @Killer_Bex
Robin Moon, Editor
- Twitter: @robinmoonwrites
Timothy Glaraton, Editor
- Twitter: @tglaraton
Dean Delp, Media Editor
- Twitter: @DeanDelpVO
Staff Writers
Alix Turner
- Twitter: @AllesKlar71
Andy Hageman
Brendan Jesus
- Twitter: @spooky__guy
Bronson West
- Twitter: @SlackerBronson
Collin Henderson
- Goodreads: Collin Henderson
- Email:
Corey Callahan
- Twitter: @CoreyPCallahan
Hal Kitchen
- Twitter: @HalKitchen1
Jamie Lee Cortese
- Twitter: @JackalopeJamie
- Site: Jamie Lee
Jay Rohr
- Twitter: @JackBlankHSH
JP Nunez
- Twitter: @inkatw3trust
Lor Gislason
- Twitter: @lorelli_
- Blog: This Way I Was Saved By Horror
Melissa Bastek
- Twitter: @NightTerrors17
Michael Suarez
- Twitter: @professorsuarez
Peter L.
- Twitter: @theversusverses
Riley Wade
- Twitter: @nolowerart
Robert Chipman
- Twitter: @tailbest
Sarah Sigfried
Sartaj Singh
- Twitter: @SartajGovindSin
Sean Parker
Stuart Monroe
- Twitter: @BigDaddyStu
Matt Armitage
- Email:
- Twitter: @mattarmitage
Saskia Nislow
- Twitter: @dirtbagsappho
Andrew Grevas
- Email:
- Twitter: @AndrewGrevas
Abbie Sears
Adam Chimeo
- Twitter: @adam_chimeo
Amber Welsh
- Email:
- Twitter: @totesambular
Anthony Divers
- Twitter: @men0vi
Audrie Roelf
- Twitter: @The_AudrieRoelf
Chad Hindman
Christopher Blackmore
- Twitter: @cmblackmore14
Drannan Hollifield
- Twitter: @DrannanH
Emma Gilbert
- Portfolio: Emma L. Gilbert
Gus Wood
Jason Sheppard
- Twitter: @Jason_Sheppard_
- Portfolio: Jason Sheppard
Jeremy Kibler
- Twitter: @jeremykibler25
Josh Lami
- Twitter: @ShutUpJoshLami
Josh Sweeney
Mack Veltman
- Twitter: @mackveltman
- Site: Mack’s Musings
Rob King
- Twitter: @RobEdKing
Stephanie Edwards
- Twitter: @stephanieadele_
Will Johnson
- Twitter: @NostalgiaBath
Varden Frias
- Twitter: @varden_frias