Debuting this month on the streaming service, Netflix’s new anime series Vampire In The Garden is an original story about a young survivor after humanity loses its battle with vampires, named Momo, who has a fateful encounter with Fine, a vampire queen, and together they embark on a quest to find an Eden where vampires and humans can live peacefully.
In the newly released clip, the vampire and human armies have a brutal battle, trading gunfire with vicious attacks from blades, fangs, and claws. Momo can be seen running away while the humans use huge lights to burn the wings off the vampires before shooting them dead. A full trailer was revealed last month, showing some of the struggles Momo and Fine will eventually go through on their journey to Paradise. Music seems especially important in the series, and Fine can be seen sitting at a piano with Momo and discussing the power of songs. So I think we can expect some gore and sadness, the classic vampire combo meal! While vampires have been in anime for a long time (I used to love Hellsing as a teen), this is one of the few wholely original storylines, not based on previous works such as Dracula.
Directed by Ryotaro Makihara (The Empire of Corpses), Hiroyuki Tanaka (Claymore, Hellsing Ultimate) serves as assistant director. Character designs by Tetsuya Nishio (Naruto, The Sky Crawlers) and music by Yoshihiro Ike (Tiger & Bunny). Wit Studio, founded in 2012, has been behind some extremely successful series such as Attack on Titan and the Viking epic Vinland Saga, based on their respective mangas, and original works like Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.
Vampire In The Garden was originally announced in 2019 and was originally set to be released in 2021. It will premiere on Netflix on May 16th, with Japanese, English, and several other language options.