
The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus Trailer Goes Back to Basics

With a lot of horror movies, you pretty much know what kind of monster you’re getting. Sure, filmmakers often have a lot of freedom to put their own creative touches on time-honored creatures and villains, but most of the time, they still have to work within very limited parameters. For example, if you watch a zombie or vampire film, you probably have a really good idea of how the monsters are going to look and act. And that’s why I was so excited to check out the trailer for The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus. This movie features a completely original creature we’ve never seen before, so we only have a vague idea of what this thing is really like. Here’s what the film is about:

U.S. Soldiers on patrol in a war-torn Afghanistan become trapped in a cave after barely surviving a rebel ambush, as they search for a way out they are hunted down by a deadly creature the locals call KARNOCTUS!

That’s a really simple plot, but it’s perfect for a monster movie. All you need in this subgenre is an excuse to see a ferocious creature hunt down some innocent (or maybe not-so-innocent) victims, and this story looks set to give us exactly that.

To be fair, there are a few dangers that go along with having such a simple plot, but if the trailer is any indication, The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus is going to avoid them with ease. This trailer features awesomely corny humor, fun action, and characters who seem quite likable, so it’ll more than make up for the seemingly thin story.

But above all, the absolute best thing about this trailer is the horror. Karnoctus himself has an interesting design that’s reminiscent of some famous monsters but also uniquely its own, and it looks like the film is going to set up its scares really well with a healthy amount of suspense and tension.

Again, this is all very simple, but it totally works. It’s a classic back-to-basics approach that sometimes seems like a forgotten art these days, so I’m really excited to check this film out. And if you are too, you might also be interested in contributing to its Indiegogo campaign. The movie is done and ready to be released, but it’s currently raising money for a marketing campaign. So if you’d like to support some indie horror filmmakers, definitely give that a visit.

The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus will come out on cable VOD and select theaters on June 7th before hitting digital platforms on July 7th.


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Written by JP Nunez

JP Nunez is a lifelong horror fan. From a very early age, he learned to love monsters, ghosts, and all things spooky, and it's still his favorite genre today.

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