There’s a line about 30 seconds into the Smoke and Mirrors: The Story of Tom Savini trailer that really sums up why Tom Savini is such an intriguing figure in the horror world: “Tom was literally the one guy who became a household name.” If you ask your average horror fan to name five special effects artists, they probably can’t do it (I know I can’t), but if you ask them to name just one, they’re almost invariably going to say Tom Savini.
While calling him a “household name” might be a bit of an exaggeration, there’s no denying that Savini has transcended the special effects realm and has become one of the most beloved and well-known personalities in any area of genre filmmaking. Sure, he’s also an actor and a director, but his major claim to fame has always been his effects wizardry, so the fact that he’s become such an icon despite working what is often a very thankless job makes him really fascinating.
I think it’s fair to say that most of us would love to learn more about him, and now, we’re going to get the chance. Smoke and Mirrors: The Story of Tom Savini isn’t exactly new, but it’s finally being released to a wider audience, and it just got a new trailer to tell the world.
This documentary covers the effects maestro’s life from “his childhood in Pittsburgh, PA; to his tour of duty during Vietnam, to his beginnings with George A. Romero and beyond,” and it delves into some of the secrets that made his special effects so, well, special. If you ever wanted to know why Savini rose to genre stardom in a way that none of his peers ever did, you’re going to want to watch this film.
Admittedly, the trailer doesn’t really give away too many of its secrets, but it doesn’t have to. Just telling us that it’s a documentary about Tom Savini is enough to get most hardcore horror fans excited, but in case some people are still unconvinced, it reminds us of just how important this man is to the genre.
It showcases some of his most famous work, like Dawn of the Dead, Creepshow, and Friday the 13th, so if you didn’t already know why this guy is such a big deal, you do now. On top of that, it also features heavy hitters like George Romero and Sid Haig singing his praises, and for my money, that should seal the deal for us. If the best in the business hold Savini’s work in such high regard, I need to know why, so this is definitely one film I don’t want to miss.
Smoke and Mirrors: The Story of Tom Savini is currently available on Shudder, but if you don’t subscribe to that horrific (in a good way!) streaming service, it’s hitting VOD on October 16, and a special edition Blu-ray is scheduled to come out some time in 2022.
So what do you think of the trailer for Smoke and Mirrors the Story of Tom Savini?? Do you agree with JP that it looks like an intriguing dive into the effects maestro’s life and work? Let us know in the comments! And if you’re looking for more trailers we’ve got you covered!