
Death Witchcraft: A Look Into the Macabre Side of Witchcraft

"'Be afraid...'" by Athena's Pix is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Religion is constantly evolving, especially in recent years. As far as religious preferences go, it’s more common for people to practice magic than go to some form of church. Many of these religions are under the neo-paganism class of religions. Neopaganism is an umbrella term for multiple neopagan religions such as (but definitely not limited to) Wicca, Jainism, and Heathenry, as well as many others. Typically, neopagan religions are polytheistic, meaning that most people who follow these paths tend to believe in more than one deity.

This recent trend may be because of the Harry Potter craze beginning in the late 1990s or because neopaganism appeals to those with a deeper connection to the natural world. The reasons are as varied as for those who follow any other kind of religion, but spiritual fulfillment must be key. Some people find it more fulfilling to cast bones into a fire or read tarot cards to determine the trajectory of their career path, rather than get such advice from the clergy. There is much to say about a life following one of the many paths under the neopagan umbrella, a life in many cases devoted to the practice of magic. Perhaps one of the most interesting paths of neopaganism is death witchcraft.

What is Death Witchcraft for Death Witches?

Death Witchcraft, not to be confused with necromancy, has varying definitions within its own following. One definition is that death witchcraft is a spiritual practice that centers on working with the dead and honoring the spirits of the deceased. It is a spiritual practice that draws the focus on death’s ultimate power over the natural world, coming to terms with both the practitioner’s personal death and the death of everything else. Death witchcraft also focuses on non-physical deaths that happen during a person’s life, and practitioners work with the deceased to heal them and receive help in magical manifestations in return.

White animal skull, photo by Devin H on Unsplash

What is a Death Witch?

A death witch is a practitioner of witchcraft who delves into the profound mysteries of death and the afterlife. Unlike other witches, death witches focus their energy on working with the spirits of the dead, aiding them in finding peace and moving on. They also extend their support to the living, helping them navigate the turbulent waters of grief and loss. For death witches, death is not an end but a transformative experience, a pivotal point in the cycle of existence. Through meditation, energy exercises, and divination, they connect with the spirits, bridging the gap between the living and the dead. This unique path allows them to embrace death as a natural part of life, offering a deeper understanding of both realms.

History of Death Witchcraft

Death witchcraft is trickier than most forms of witchcraft to pin down historically due to its obscurity and just how infrequently practitioners are found. Witchcraft in and of itself has a complicated story and a rich history that goes back to pre-Christian times. Like most forms of neopaganism, death witchcraft is relatively modern in the realm of religious and spiritual practices.

The earliest accounts of witchcraft in Europe began with the witch hunts in the 1500s, but witches were around before then. Death witchcraft is a branch that was allowed to surface after some time, particularly after witchcraft’s revival in the 20th century when it was termed Wicca by Gerald Gardner. This set the tone for what witchcraft and Wicca would be seen and practiced as today.

Although the practices used in death witchcraft mimic some of the more common forms of witchcraft, which in turn are modeled to their best of their ability from the pre-Christian practices, it is still difficult to trace the exact origins of this particular branch of witchcraft. Regardless, its impact has been felt by many.

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Common Spells, Themes, and Rituals in Spirit Work

Like many other paths of witchcraft, Death Witchcraft comprises many spells, incantations, and rituals associated with it. Some of the practices can be very similar, but the difference between Death Witchcraft, as opposed to all other forms of witchcraft, is that, you guessed it, the associated items are linked to death in some way.

Many death witches or warlocks, like most people in the death witchcraft community, connect with deities of death from all over the world. A common Death Witchcraft patron god is Thanatos from Greek Mythology, but there are many more with which to practice death magic. Other gods and goddesses often include Anubis from the Egyptian pantheon, Yama from Hindu Mythology, and Meng Po from Chinese Mythology.

Death Witchcraft, like many other forms of witchcraft, incorporates many physical elements into this spiritual practice. In spell casting, many items from the natural world are used to promote and strengthen access to the dead. Like most other forms of witchcraft, Death Witchcraft utilizes the five elements of air, earth, fire, water, and spirit. Some of the materials that are more common in Death Witchcraft that can be seen in other forms of witchcraft are white sage*, sea, or black salt. They also use geodes like obsidian, labradorite, hematite, or smoky quartz. Tarot cards, pendulums, or spirit boards are other common items used by Death Witchcraft, as well as general witchcraft, practitioners.

There are more tools that are quite unique to Death Witchcraft that other forms of witchcraft do not often use. Bones are very common tools used in Death Witchcraft, but skulls in particular are more common among death practitioners because they are useful for summoning and conjuring. They are even used as a way to keep a person from grinding their teeth at night.

Other tools used in Death Witchcraft and general witchcraft can be found in nature or even around the house. Shells, especially those of snails or seashells, are great for bone-throwing rituals. Blood is also a common physical tool to use during death magic rituals, but in some cases using bloodstone, nail clippings, or saliva can be a sufficient substitute. There are even specific places and times that work well for spell castings, such as dusk or dawn.

Photo by Halanna Halila on Unsplash

Honoring and healing the deceased is at the heart of every Death Witchcraft spell or ritual. There is much to learn about a spirituality that embraces death and uses it as a means for self-improvement and a connection to the natural world, this article only scratches the surface on the life-changing benefits of following this spiritual path. Practices in Death Witchcraft tie the balance already prevalent in nature: the balance between life and death as part of the cycle of existence.

Death Witchcraft is not for everyone, but it does draw someone closer to the themes associated with death, namely that our time on Earth is both undetermined and finite. Practicing Death Witchcraft can help some practitioners come to terms with their own death in a way that other religions and spiritual paths might not.

* If you are not an Indigenous American, purchasing white sage, Palo Santo, and other sacred herbs is not only a form of cultural appropriation but its commodification is also exploitative and harmful to Indigenous communities. Instead, we recommend these easy alternatives to white sage for smoke cleansing and smudging.

Understanding the Afterlife and Own Death

For death witches, understanding the afterlife and one’s own death is a cornerstone of their practice. They believe that the afterlife is a realm where the spirits of the dead continue to exist, evolve, and find peace. This belief in a beautiful and wondrous afterlife shapes their approach to death, viewing it as a continuation rather than an end. Embracing one’s own death is seen as essential to living a fulfilling and authentic life. By accepting death as a natural part of existence, death witches find a new beginning in every ending, allowing them to live more fully and with greater purpose. This perspective not only enriches their own lives but also helps them guide others through their journeys.

Misconceptions and Myths

Death witchcraft is often shrouded in misconceptions and myths. One prevalent myth is that death witches are “dark” or “evil,” but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Death witches are simply individuals who seek to understand and explore the mysteries of death and the afterlife. Their work is not about malevolence but about healing and transformation. Another common misconception is that death witches are solely focused on communicating with the dead. While spirit work is a significant aspect of their practice, it is not the entirety of it. Death witches also dedicate themselves to helping the living cope with grief, offering a new perspective on death that can be both comforting and enlightening.

The Role of Death Witches in Modern Society

In today’s world, death witches play a vital role by offering a unique perspective on death and the afterlife. They help individuals cope with grief, providing support and guidance through some of life’s most challenging moments. By promoting a more positive understanding of death, they encourage people to embrace it as a natural part of life. Many death witches work as counselors, therapists, and spiritual advisors, using their skills to help others navigate the complexities of death and loss. Others express their insights through art, writing, and music, exploring the mysteries of death in creative and thought-provoking ways. In a society that often fears and avoids the topic of death, death witches offer a refreshing and transformative viewpoint, reminding us of the beauty and continuity of life.


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Leave a Reply
  1. Black magic, witchcraft, and wizardry are topics discussed that I think seem fictional. Until I read your article, I was surprised by the idea of how it exists and exist in this modern age. As well known back in the old age, magic and witchcraft may sound realistic. I couldn’t believe that death witchcraft existed, wherein I usually encounter in watching movies. We have different beliefs and religions, and these facts are commonly accepted by society nowadays compared the old age.

  2. Indeed very informative – thank you for that. May I learn where you got that knowledge from? And is hedge witchery not a little similar to death witchcraft?

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